Living a life by giving zero Fucks

It is normal to be liked by others and get validated that’s why it is understandable for people to want to conform. Its basic human nature and one that brings a sense of community. But that is only fine to a certain extent. Don’t conform too much that you lose your own identity and direction in life. You shouldn’t be too cautious and must stop giving effs to things that will prevent you from progressing in life.
The world is constantly feeling you how you should be and live your life and that is not something you would want to be doing. The other side is to always lie cautiously and care what others think and have opinions about you. Of course this isn’t to say that you don’t follow a set of morals, ethics and principles that make you a better person but caring too much what others think about you is goi9n to be detrimental for you in the long run.
Here are some ways you can start the life you want and stop giving a you- know-what:
Follow your dreams
If there is one life advice people tend to forget once they grow up is to follow their dreams. You might find so many excuses not to commit to your goals and ambitions but at the end of the day, you need to find your purpose and follow it with an unwavering passion. If others tell you it’s impossible or you can’t do it then prove them wrong and again don’t give an F to them.
Embrace your uniqueness
People come in all shapes, sizes, colors and qualities. Just embrace yours so that others can do the same. If you are different then don’t let others make you think it’s a bad thing. Get really comfortable with being yourself and always strive the to be the best version of yourself.

Find your strengths
You have to accept the fact that everyone has a quality that is more predominant in others. You have to find that. Some people are good at math while others are masters at words. What’s your power? Once you find it, harness it and wield it like Thor wields his Mjolnir (hammer)
Stop feeding F***s to naysayers
In life, you will notice that people are going to love to hate on you whenever they see that you are thriving or making any sort of progress in life. Whether its school bullies, online trolls or that frenemy at the party who thinks that blue is not your best color. Just ignore the haters and naysayers and keep doing you. A life where you give no heed to negative people is a stress-free life.
Stop seeking approval
Stop trying to be someone that you are not and seeking approval of others. If someone has to love you, they should love you for the person you are.
Here’s a cool sticker for your car to show that you don’t seek their approval.
Lastly, not giving any Fucks does not mean you stop being kind and considerate of others. You can show some sass but don’t be an ass.